Past Events
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O:P Video Installation and Livestream at Prague Microfestival 2021
October 8th - 11th 2021 @ Punctum, Prague Czech Republic

PRAGUE MICROFESTIVAL (PMF) is an annual festival of the arts, combining contemporary writing with art, film, theory & performance.
PMF is fully bilingual (CZ and EN), and presents readings by the best authors of contemporary poetry and fiction. Every year, PMF welcomes renowned and underground authors from across the world, staging them alongside film projections, music, performance and visual art, in a rich polylogue of artforms. Read more about PMF here.
The OBJECT:PARADISE’s manifesto was present and enacted at PMF through live video mixing of performative texts that were then projected on a TV installation around the venue, Punctum, and streamed live for the world on Youtube.
Our roll at PMF was to interpret and reappropriate the live performances and readings into a new text that would be displayed around the venue, influencing the contextual forces and receptions to the holistic text of the happening.
The act of mixing visual signals into a new text through analogue modes, provides a physicality and deliberate notion of creation that is spontaneous and can be influenced only by the present.
We would like to extend our warm thanks to the readers, performers, contributors, partners, organizers, and audience members for creating that present moment.
Special thanks to the partners of PMF 2021:
Euripean Union
European Structural and Invenstiment Funds
Operational Programme Research
Development and Eduation
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic
Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Equus Press
Litteraria Pragensia
Slovene Writers’ Association
Escher Fucker
Goethe Institut
︎ Photos by Louis Armand ︎

Read more about the event at Praguemicrofestival.com